Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year! the world tilted in 2010

This is what I would have put onto facebook if I hadn't been so long winded!  Since I've been writing about this stuff, and encouraged by several to blog, I guess I'll start here, and work forward and backward!

Despite 2010 being the most challenging year I've ever experienced, happiness & peace are in my little corner.  Hope that's true for you too.  There have been many blessings in deep, deep disguise.  Working on being grateful in a world that feels a bit tilted. Surgery, disease, loss, loss, more loss (I never need to worry about loosing weight ever again but I certainly don't recommend my path in this area).  After seven months, five doctors, oodles of tests, I was officially diagnosed on December 20th with ALS - If you don't know what this is, please DON'T ask me - if you are curious just google it.  Hard to find the good side of this, but dammit, I am in surprising and strange ways!    For those of you who know me, you know I've had lots of practice dealing with the existential issues of death and dying.  This is the hugest blessing and I am very very grateful.  I have never been so serious in my life.  Every moment in life provides us the opportunity to become a fuller richer human being.  Very little in life worth having is easy.  PLEASE, no advice needed, thank you very much!  Wishing blessings for everyone - ones that will make you wiser, kinder, stronger, more compassionate, more human and humane.  I wish you a very Happy New Year!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Sarah, You are such a beautiful person and I am blessed to know you. The kind words you have offered me throughout the last few years dealing with my Dad's death left such an impression on me - you always knew exactly what I needed to hear. I love you, dear sister and you will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Meg Maise

  3. Sarah,
    You are amazing to write and be completely present with this.
    All my love,
    Heidi (second cousin I think??)

  4. Here's to the New Year, as you navigate through whatever it brings. I'd say a trip to SF would be a fine thing to do :) Love you.......

  5. I too have the bulbar onset. I'm still understandable, but it's a struggle by the end of the day. I'm a middle school teacher so I've had to get creative with my teaching style. Although this is an awful disease, I agree that ALS forces you to live a fuller and more meaningful life. Love to you and your family. Best wishes for a new year and, hopefully, a cure for ALS. Also, a PALS, liz

  6. Thank you for being so open with this and willing to share what you're going through. This part of life is still relatively new to me and I am so thankful for people like you who offer their wisdom from experience and like Heidi said, are present in it. What a different world we live in since blogs emerged. Thank you for starting this one. -Christina
